Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Meats & Sweets

I went to Norton tonight to have dinner with my friend Chrissy. We had a great time catching up on everything. On the way back to her house I noticed this sign on a store at the end of her block.
It just caught me as funny with this very strange combination. "Would you like some cookies, strudel & fudge to go with your pastrami & sausages?" Just thought I'd share.


angie {the arthur clan} said...

Was this the IBA Chrissy? I'm so jealous if it was! ;)

The sign is hilarious...what a combination!

Cori said...

Yes, It was IBA Chrissy. We're going to have to plan a day for you to show me some of your photoshop tricks.

Drew said...

I'll give them one thing...they're good rhymers! :)